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5/13/24 Weekly Notice

The Utility District Office has received numerous calls regarding the non-delivery of monthly bills.  If you have not received your bill by the 10th day of the month, please call the office (601.268.2248).  This will prevent service interruptions and late fees.
You are reminded that:
- Meters are read on the 15th of each month.  Bills are mailed within 7 business days of the monthly meter reading.
-Payments are due by the 15th of the month.  If your bill is not paid in full by close of business on the 19th, your water service will be disconnected on the 20th.
-Payments submitted in the drop box before the office opens at 7:30 a.m. on the 20th will be credited to the account and will not be charged a reconnect fee.  The cut-off list is generated on the morning of the 20th after all overnight deposits are posted to the appropriate account.     
- If your name is generated on the cut off list, the entire account balance (including new charges for the current month) must be paid in addition to a reconnect fee of $50.00 before water service is restored.  
The Rawls Springs Utility District’s Text Alert system is used to alert customers about water outages, boil water notices, etc…   Sign up for text alerts on the “Sign Up for Alerts” tab at  https://rawlsspringsutility.com/
Please follow the NEW “Rawls Springs Utility District” Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/RawlsSpringsUtilityDistrict.  Please help us reach our goal of 500 followers.