12/2/24 Weekly Post
December 02, 2024
DECEMBER IS CLOGGED DRAINS MONTH. Professional plumbers tell us that clogged wastewater/sewer pipes occur more in December than any other month. These clogged pipes are due to the amount of cooking that occurs during the holiday season. FATS, OIL, and GREASE (FOG) are by-products of cooking. When hot, liquid FOG poured into the wastewater drainage system mixes with food and other waste. When cooled, FOG hardens in the wastewater drainage systems pipes. At the treatment plants, it forms deposits on the surface of the settling tanks and can block screens and clog pumps.
FOG is becoming a serious issue at the North Haven, Creekwood, and Lakewood treatment lagoons. Please DO NOT put fats, oils, and grease (FOG) into the wastewater system.
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