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7/22/24 Weekly Post

Wastewater “Infiltration” refers to dirt and other debris that enters the wastewater system.  The infiltration may be caused by: 
  • Broken and defective wastewater pipes, joints, and cleanouts.
  • Damage after installation by ground movement caused by drought or flooding.
  • Deterioration of the wastewater pipes. Most residential wastewater pipes have a life expectancy of approximately 50 years. 
There has been a noticeable increase of “Infiltration” debris in the Lakewood and North Haven Lagoons.  Please note that, in most cases, the construction of the residential wastewater system in Lakewood and North Haven was approximately 50 years ago.  These residential wastewater pipes have reached their service life expectancy.  
RSUD employees will be looking for occurrences of “Infiltration” on the Utility District’s wastewater lines.  Additionally, they will be looking for evidence of “Infiltration” from customers’ wastewater lines that connect to the Utility District’s wastewater service.  As Utility District customers, please check your wastewater lines and make repairs as required.   
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